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Join us for our 49th


Magnificat Breakfast

hosted by  

Mary, Cause of our Joy Toronto Chapter


Saturday October 26, 2024


9:30 am – 12:30 pm


St. Benedict Church

2194 Kipling Ave, Etobicoke, ON

Doors open at 9:00 am








Registration: $35 

plus service fee for online registration

CREDIT and DEBIT cards accepted

until October 18, 2024


Register Online


Register by Mail

Send cheque, payable to Magnificat to:

Magnificat, c/o 111 Jeffcoat Dr. Etobicoke, ON M9W 3B9

include with your cheque, your:

name, address, phone number, email

and full name of other guests you are registering


For Inquiries

Feiona:  416-846-4068


Registration is paperless.

When you arrive at the hall, simply give your name at the registration table.





About the Speaker:   Fr. Branden Gordon SDB

Fr. Branden Gordon is a Salesian priest at St. Benedict’s Parish in Etobicoke. Having been born into a culturally Catholic family, he was taught good human values but didn’t grow up going to church. By the time he was in high school, he began to ask life’s big questions: Does God exist?  Does life have a purpose?  Is death the end of one’s existence?  These and other questions led him to embark on a quest for ultimate Truth.  After exploring many philosophical systems and religious traditions, he realised that the Truth he was seeking wasn’t some abstract set of principles but rather a Person: Jesus of Nazareth.  Thus began his reconversion to the Faith into which he had been sacramentally initiated as a child — a reconversion fraught with twists and turns but sustained and brought to fruition by divine grace.  He considers his life to be a testimony to that well-known adage in St. Paul’s Letter to the Romans: “[W]here sin increased, grace abounded all the more” (5:20). Now in his ninth year of consecrated life and second year of priesthood, he’s grateful to God for having chosen him to serve as an instrument of grace for others.

You Might Be Asking . . .

What is a Magnificat Breakfast?


“My soul magnifies the Lord, my spirit finds joy in God my Savior…

God who is mighty has done great things for me, holy is His name.”     

Luke 1:46-49


In these words of the Magnificat, Mary proclaimed to Elizabeth her gratitude for the wonderful action of God in her life.  At a Magnificat breakfast we will share together in that same spirit of gratitude and praise of God.  After the meal, there will be a time of prayer for the needs of all present and an opportunity to hear one woman’s experience of the transforming love of Christ in her own life. Priests will be available at the end of the testimony for anyone wishing to partake in the sacrament of Reconciliation.


Join us and invite a friend or relative to rejoice in the presence of the Lord.


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Magnificat, Mary Cause of our Joy, Toronto Chapter




Magnificat, Mary, Cause of our Joy, Toronto Chapter


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