Liturgical Ministries
Funeral Coordinators

An important part of the life of the parish is celebrating the life and death of our loved ones. Arrangements for funerals may be made through the parish office by family members or by the funeral director. Planning for your funeral liturgy is recommended. This may be done at any time by picking up a planning booklet from the parish office.
Funeral Mass Coordinator
The Funeral Mass Coordinator is a volunteer who ensures effective communication with everyone involved in preparing for a funeral Mass. The coordinator assists the family members of the deceased, the priest, the parish staff and funeral home director in the preparations. He or she meets with and helps family members plan the readings and music selections for the mass of Christian burial and assists at mass on the day of the funeral.
Celebration of Life Mass
At our annual Celebration of Life Mass, we remember and pray for all those whose mass of Christian burial took place at St. Benedict parish over the past year. The coordinator and other parish volunteers contact the loved ones of the deceased to participate in this mass. This mass is held on a designated Tuesday evening mass during the Easter season.
​Contact the parish office at 416-743-3830 ext 0