Parish Groups
Great news!
This year marks the
25th Anniversary
of our Magnificat, Mary, Cause of our Joy Toronto Chapter!
The Magnificat Team is excited to announce MANY ways
we are planning to celebrate this special year with you.
Scroll through the awesome celebration events being planned and
More exciting details to come as each event approaches.
Come, Magnify the Lord with Us!
The Mangificat Team
Antoniette Pace
Dolores Miccio
Maddalena Volpe
Clara Wu

Magnificat Spirituality
WELCOME all returning and new friends of Magnificat!
This Virtual Visitation Series will enrich
our understanding of the mission and spirituality
of Magnificat, this blessed women's ministry
in our Toronto Archdiocese and in the life of the Church.
Our gatherings include prayer
for healing, intercession, reparation and praise.
7:30 pm - 8:30 pm
January 26, February 23,
March 23, April 27
Meeting ID: 335 599 6295 / Passcode: MotherMary

Praise & Worship Workshop
followed by
Magnificat Lunch
Saturday May 20, 2023
9:30 am - 3:00 pm
Queen of Apostles Renewal Centre
1617 Blythe Rd, Mississauga

Life in the Spirit Seminar
Magnificat exists to evangelize and to encourage
Catholic women to grow in holiness through opening
more fully to the power and the gifts of the Holy Spirit.
May 29, June 5, 12, 19, 26, July 3
7:30 pm - 9:30 pm
St. Benedict Parish Hall
2194 Kipling Ave. Etobicoke

Walking Rosary of Gratitude
followed by
Picnic Lunch
The Rosary Path and Picnic Area, Mary Lake, King City
Saturday June 24, 2023

Magnificat Breakfast
Fall 2023
Stay tuned for date and location

There's Power in Prayer
Every Magnificat chapter world-wide
has a designated day of the month to pray the rosay.
The 11th day of each month is the designated day
for our Magnificat Toronto Chapter.
Join us!
To request time and Zoom link,
contact us:
Magnificat, Mary Cause of our Joy, Toronto Chapter
Magnificat, Mary, Cause of our Joy, Toronto Chapter