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Parish Groups

Liturgical Ministries

The Eucharist is the source and summit of the Christian life. When we attend Mass, we're not just passively watching an event. We are worshipping God, we are acknowledging our dependence on him, and voicing our thanksgiving for all his blessings. Sunday Mass is also a splendid opportunity to thank God for past favours and ask for future graces.

Each time we receive Jesus in the Eucharist, it is our most intimate union with the Lord. In Communion we share in the life and work of Christ. This meal unites us with every other believer around the table. Each of us, as we absorb the body and blood of Christ, is empowered to bring some share of his life to all we meet. Nourished at the table of the Lord's Word, and the Table of the Eucharist, our parish family at St. Benedict is strengthened in its outreach to the community, and especially in our service of the young and poor.

Our parish community finds its fullest and richest expression in our celebration of the Eucharist- both the Sunday assembly and the daily celebrations of Mass. Many people participate in our celebrations. Many are involved in the liturgies- as members of the choirs, readers, extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion, ministers of hospitality, and altar servers.

If you would like to get more involved in the liturgical life of our parish, please consider the various groups listed here. You will certainly find a ministry that allows you to serve the community and praise God according to your gifts and talent. Do something beautiful for God!


Kindly contact the parish representative indicated for more information.

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